The Internet helps us to interact=… other people around the world A. To. B. From. C. Of. D. With Robert is going

By Remi

The Internet helps us to interact…………… other people around the world
A. To. B. From. C. Of. D. With
Robert is going to be famous someday. He…………in three movies already
A. Appeared B. Had appeared C. Has appeared. D. Has been appearing
The chemistry book………was a little expensive
A. That I bought it. B. I bought that. C. What I bought. D. That I bought
Do you remember Mrs. Huong………… Taught us English
A. Who. B. Whom. C. That. D. Which

0 bình luận về “The Internet helps us to interact=… other people around the world A. To. B. From. C. Of. D. With Robert is going”

  1. The Internet helps us to interact…………… other people around the world

    A. To. B. From. C. Of. D. With

    Robert is going to be famous someday. He…………in three movies already

    A. Appeared B. Had appeared C. Has appeared. D. Has been appearing

    The chemistry book………was a little expensive

    A. That I bought it. B. I bought that. C. What I bought. D. That I bought

    Do you remember Mrs. Huong………… Taught us English

    A. Who. B. Whom. C. That. D. Which

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