Viết 1 bài thuyết trình bằng tiếng anh về Water Pollution, ngắn gọn để nói đủ trong 3 phút . MÌNH SẼ VOTE 5 SAO CHO CÂU TRẢ LỜI HAY VÀ NHANH NHẤT Ạ, K

By Rylee

Viết 1 bài thuyết trình bằng tiếng anh về Water Pollution, ngắn gọn để nói đủ trong 3 phút . MÌNH SẼ VOTE 5 SAO CHO CÂU TRẢ LỜI HAY VÀ NHANH NHẤT Ạ, KHÔNG CHÉP MẠNG NHÉ.CẢM ƠN CÁC BẠN NHÌU

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  1. MB: Our world is facing serious environmental problems. Among them, … pollution which is reached an alarming level.

    Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater.

    so that the water

    Causes: There are many causes of … pollution, including natural and human:

    + Firstly,  farmers use to much chemicals and pesticides in their fields

    • When the weather rains, these chemicals flow into the rivers, canals, lakes, … that is why the water is polluted

    + Moreover, people throw domestic waste, garbage, plastic bags, … down the drain, the lake or the sea, so that the water environment is polluted, the surrounding stinks.

    + Secondly, the factories dump industrial waste into the lakes and rivers that is cause all the fish and other aquatic animals

    + The ship that spills oil into the seas causing water pollution

    + Thirdly, melting ice or floods, … are also the factors causing water pollution on a large area

    why the aquatic animals will die

    Effects : water pollution may cause serious environmental disaster. If people drink contaminated water, they will get dangerous diseases and die. Water pollution affects the heath of animals and humans

    Solutions : To limit the environmental pollution, people must stop litter and throw rubbish into the water. In addition, goverment should monetary fine who litering and factories that dump industrial waste water into ponds and lakes. We should save the fresh water so that it can be available for everyone to use.

    KB : In short, the quality of the water is getting worse and worse because of human actions. Therefore, we need to protect the environment now to prevent future water pollution.

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