Write about desert : Gợi ý : Where can you see that ? What can we see there ? ( animal, plants, … ) What the weather there ? CHÚ Ý PHẦN GỢI Ý GIÚP

By Claire

Write about desert :
Gợi ý :
Where can you see that ?
What can we see there ? ( animal, plants, … )
What the weather there ?
Lưu ý, yêu cầu :
Không chép mạng, ai chép báo cáo
Bài ko quá ngắn ko quá dài
Lưu ý ko viết dưới dạng bài văn

0 bình luận về “Write about desert : Gợi ý : Where can you see that ? What can we see there ? ( animal, plants, … ) What the weather there ? CHÚ Ý PHẦN GỢI Ý GIÚP”

  1. Desert, a place have a lot of sands ,rock and gounds. You can see it in africa or another hot place in our earth. You can see a lot of Cactus because cactus can live in hot weather but another plant can not. And some animals like fox , Scorpions , and special it camel ,it have tumor to reserve fat .It heep people to travel here. The weather is very hot but at night a sharp drop in temperature so it so cold 

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