Read the followmg passage.,. Young people in the UK are more likely to die from asthma than those in other wealthy countries, a report has found. De

By Kennedy

Read the followmg passage.,.
Young people in the UK are more likely to die from asthma than those in other wealthy countries, a report has found. Death rates for asthma in 10 to 24-year-olds was the highest in the UK among all 14 European nations included in an analysis of 19 high-income countries. The UK also had the highest obesity rates for 15 to 19-year-olds among the European nations. The government said it had “world-leading plans” to safeguard child health.
Overall, the report found the UK to be lagging behind other nations across a number of health indicators. The study, from the Association for Young People’s Health, analyzed 17 measures of health
and well being for 10 to 24-year-o3ds in countries that included Germany, France and Italy, as well as Japan, the US and Australia.
It found that while 3 young people in the UK are making some healthier choices, such as drinking less alcohol and smoking less, more are entering adulthood with long-term health conditions. Nearly one in five young people in the UK is estimated to be living with a longstanding health condition, such as type 2 diabetes, the report finds. In England, the figure has gone from 13.5% in 2008 to 18% in 2016.
(h tips://www, bbc. com /news/)
61.Ascending to a report, young people dm the UK sire more likely to die from _____ thsim those im other wealth]/ countries.
A. fever B. asthma C. rash D. allergy
62.Which off the following group age had the highest death rate ffor asthma?
A.under 10-year-old B. 10 to 19-year-old C. 10 to 24-year-old D. over 30-year-old
63.Which is also a health problem off teenagers m the UK?
A.Young people in the UK had the highest rates of smoking among the European nations
B.Young people in the UK had the highest diabetes rates among the European nations
C.Young people in the UK had the highest rates of drinking alcohol among the European nations
D.Young people in the UK had the highest obesity rates among the European nations
64.How many measures of health and wellbeing were analyzed in…….the study from the Association for Young People’s Health?
A.nearly 10 B. exactly 24 C. exactly 17 D. less than 15
65.What is the message to the readers?
A.We should prevent teenagers from being asthma.
B.We should take teenagers who are obese into account.
C.We should limit the use of alcohol and cigarette
D.We should encourage teenagers to have a healthy lifestyles

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