The experts said, ‘If we operate, one will certainly die, the other might live. If we don’t operate, neither will survive a year.’ The parents were fa

By Eva

The experts said, ‘If we operate, one will certainly die, the other might live. If we don’t operate, neither will survive a year.’ The parents were faced with the absolute impossibility of the choice between losing both or just one of their children. The seemingly (TERMINATE)….. debate about the Siamese twins and their fate was a(n) (EXPLAIN)….. popular subject even amonst the Bristish media and their seemingly (QUENCH)….. thrist for (BLOW)….. drama. Some felt that in such situations the death of one twin was somehow (ORDAIN)….. and that the argument for losing one was (REFUTE)….. . Others felt the inevitable death of one through the operation was (ETHICS)….. behaviour and verging on the (MORAL)….. . It was difficult to discern what (CONCEIVE)….. were colouring people’s opinions, but informal surveys suggested that people were (DOMINATE)….. in favour of the operation taking place.

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