V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answ

By Reese

V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided. (70 points)
1. When I finish my writing this composition, I’m going to ___________ and go to bed.
A. make time B. hit the hay C. hit the big time D. call it a day
2. Marry usually buys her clothes ___________. It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. in public B. on the shelf C. off the peg D. on the house
3. You are at ___________ to do what you like.
A. freedom B. odds C. disposal D. liberty
4. David has not seen Linda for fifteen years and has ___________ of her address.
A. no idea B. nothing C. no thought D. no mind
5. I have three brothers, ___________ of whom were there.
A. none B. neither C. no one D. either
6. – “Why don’t we listen to some news programmes.” – “___________”
A. I don’t care for them either.
B. Because they’re usually so boring
C. Because I like pop music and I like presenter
D. Yes, whenever I’m in my father’s car!
7. If you want to ___________ success in life, you have to work hard.
A. achieve B. receive C. award D. earn
8. ___________ he was lazy, he failed the exam.
A. Now that B. so C. consequently D. Thus
9. – A: “Will the Browns be invited?” – B: “ I___________”
A. expect so not B. so expect C. expect so D. don’t expect
10. Anyone ordering a new MP3 player ___________ the end of the month will receive a free extra set of headphone.
A. at B. in C. upon D. before 11. My job is so ___________ that I don’t think I’ll be able to take a summer break.
A. persisting B. hard C. demanding D. tough
12. We ___________ the beginning of the film if we had gone to the cinema 15 mimutes earlier.
A. would have never missed B. would never miss
C. would never have missed D. never missed
13. He regrets___________ that car.
A. not buying B. not to buy

C.having not bought D. not having bought
14. Paula would like to___________by the time he is 45.
A. travel B. to travel C. be going to travel D. have traveled
15. It is ___________ knowledge that newspapers report news.
A. plain B. common C. easy D. simple
16. ___________ ,the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having lelf uncovered
C. lelf uncovered D. Been lelf uncovered
17. ___________ fire, please break the glass and ring the bell.
A. In case of B. During C. Because of D. With a view to
18. The strike was ___________ owing to a last-minute agreement with the management.
A. called off B. broken up C. set back D. put down
19. I’m amazed that this game ever___________ – it’s so silly!
A. took in B. caught on C. took up D. caught by
20. The match will be screened on ITV with ___________ commentary by Sandy Curley.
A. lively B. live C. alive D. living
21. It was ___________that even Smith’s fans couldn’t believe it.
A. such a surprising victory B. so surprising a victory
C. too surprising D. surprising
22. The first time I noticed something wrong was___________ I got home.
A. when B. whether C. since D. until
23. ___________, he cannot make ends meet.
A. Hard though he works B. Although he works hard
C. He works hardly D. Hard as he work
24. Everyone hoped that he would ________ after the operation.
A. pull through B. pull over C. get better D. pull out
25. ___________ new hostel for ___________ poor is being built in___________town centre.
A. The/the/a B. A/Ø/ theC. The/ a /a D. A/ the/ the
26. I saw him hiding something in a ___________ bag.
A. small plastic black B. black small plastic
C. small black plastic D. plastic small black
27. The table___________when it was being moved to another room.
A. was broken B. broke C. got breaking D. got broken
28. “Did you meet Ann here at the university?
“No, We ___________ when I started college.
A. have already met B. had already met
C. had already been meeting D. have already been meeting
29. Of all the three sisters, Lan is ___________.
A. the best and most qualified B. the most qualified and best
C. the most qualified and the best D. the best and the most qualified
30. He offered to ___________ her a favour as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
A. show B. lend C. help D. do
31. Smoke from factories can cause air___________.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. pollutant
32. Writers and novelists are___________people.
A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagined
33. At the party last night, I met a lot of ___________ people.
A. interested B. interest C.interesting D. interestingly
34. I was the first person ___________ the accident.

A. to witness B. had witnessed
C. to have witnessed D. to be witnessed
35. By the time Peter came back, ___________ for Singapore.
A. I left B. I have left C. I had left D. he will have left

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