Write a blog entry about the topic:” World without the internet”
Chia làm 2 đoạn như sau:
Paragraph 1: Before having internet
paragraph 2: Life without internet now
Write a blog entry about the topic:” World without the internet”
Chia làm 2 đoạn như sau:
Paragraph 1: Before having internet
paragraph 2: Life without internet now
Life has changed dramatically since the invention of the internet.
Before the internet was invented, everything was slow and manual. First of all, how people used to contacting each other. They had to write massages with their own hand writing. Then you have to buy stamps, then go to the post office and leave it there, you have to wait for a replay. All of this fatigue and suffering in order to send a message. Second, reading the newspapers, which is really large to carry with you and exhausting to read with the really small tiny font, and to many pages to cover just to know what happening around the world of news. Third, before the internet if you want to talk to some buddy or see some buddy, you have to meet him because no another way. Fourth, to shop you have to go to the mall and search for what you need in every store, even if you found it you might not find your size or the color you want.
Without the internet, our world would be very much like a “deaf, blind and dumb” person who couldn’t see and listen to anything, and the world would stand “still”. Without the internet, our communication would suffer very badly, collection of data and information would be very difficult, buying and selling things from the comfort of home would be virtually impossible, and we would need our video and audio cassettes back again to see movies and listen to music. Finally, we would also need to wait a few weeks (instead of just a few seconds) to send our special family pictures to the loved ones if we didn’t have internet, and the list goes on. I personally feel that, if we never had invented and used the internet, we would have been okay to go on. But if the internet technology is taken away from us now, the civilisation will find it surprisingly difficult to go on and prosper.