1 1 We have a morning break 11.15. 2 We don’t have afternoon classes Wednesdays. 3 Can you come to my party? It’s the sixth of May. 4 I like playing o

By Iris

1 We have a morning break 11.15.
2 We don’t have afternoon classes Wednesdays.
3 Can you come to my party? It’s the sixth of May.
4 I like playing on my computer the evening.
5 It’s very cold here January.
Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A or B.
Score: / 5
1 We have biology on Mondays. It’s my favourite lesson so I’m never late.
A always
B hardly ever
2 My mum drives me to school, but only when the bus is late.
A never
B sometimes
3 Brett cleans his dad’s car at the weekend. I see him do it nearly every Saturday.
A often
B hardly ever
4 My football practice starts at a quarter to four but today it’s at half past four.
A never
B usually
5 Our teacher gives us homework at the weekend. She says it’s time to relax.
A never
B often
Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.
Score: / 5
1 two armchairs in the living room.
2 a computer on the desk.
A: Is there a clock in the kitchen?
B: No, .
4 any shelves in the study?
5 What in your room?Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.
Score: / 5
A: Do you know where my MP3 player is?
B: It’s allthose clothes on the chair.
A in front of
B under
C in
2 I’ve got three posters of Messi my bedroom wall.
A next to
B in
C on
3 Is your new house the school?
A above
B near
C under
A: Where’s my games console?
B: It’s the cupboard. Open the door and look.
A in
B on
C behind
A: I can’t find the coffee. Is it on this shelf?
B: Yes. It’s the sugar.
A on
B in
C next to
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Check (✔)the sentence that is correct.
Score: / 5
1 Last morning, I did my homework before lunch.
2 We did see some beautiful buildings in Prague.
3 I couldn’t understood the English teacher today.
4 The day before yesterday, we went to London by train.
5 Why was you at home this morning?VOCABULARY
Complete the short dialogues with the correct past simple form of the verbs given.
Score: / 5
A: You’ve got a lot of bags!
B: Yes. We (buy) a lot of food for the party at the supermarket this morning.
A: Can you come to the cinema this evening?
B: No, sorry. Our teacher (give) us lots of homework today so I have to stay at home.
A: How was your holiday?
B: Great. I really (like) Spain!
A: I (watch) a programme about Mexico on TV last night.
B: Yes. There are some amazing places there.
A: The food in Italy is fantastic, isn’t it?
B: Yes. I (eat) lots of pizza, pasta and ice cream. I must do some exercise now!
Complete the emailwith one word in each gap.
Score: / 5
Hi Simon,
How are you? Are you working hard? I am, too, but yesterday it was my birthday so we (1) to a football
match at the Emirates Stadium. It was very fast and exciting. And my team (2) the match! I was so
Our seats (3) near the pitch, but we (4) see everything really well. After the match we waited
a long time because I wanted to see the players. I was lucky. One of them spoke to me! My dad (5) a
photo of us together. He also bought me a team shirt with my name on and the player wrote a birthday message on
See you soon.

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