1. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media. A. raging B. moving C. trending D. buzzing 2. Julie felt unfair

1. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media.
A. raging B. moving C. trending D. buzzing
2. Julie felt unfairly ______ when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire staff team turned against her.
A prosecuted B. persecuted C. oppressed D. suppressed
3. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone ______ on the bandwagon and started supporting him, too.
A. walked B. stepped C. jumped D. climbed
4. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times ______ their spirit to help others in need.
A. dampen B. moisten C. drench D. deluge
5. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a ______ heir squandering his wealth.
A. stingy B. miserly C. spendthrift D. penny- pincher

0 bình luận về “1. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media. A. raging B. moving C. trending D. buzzing 2. Julie felt unfair”

  1. 1. C.    trending

    2. D.    suppressed

    3. C.    jumped

    4. A.   dampen

    5. C.   spendthrift

                   -answer by min-


    p/s : vote và chọn ctlhn cho mình nhé ><

    Bình luận
  2. 1. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media.
    A. raging: dữ dội   B. moving: cảm động  C. trending: xu hướng D. buzzing: tiếng kêu vo ve
    2. Julie felt unfairly ______ when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire staff team turned against her.
    A prosecuted :bị truy tố B. persecuted: bị hành hạ  C. oppressed: bị áp bức  D. suppressed bị đàn áp
    3. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone ______ on the bandwagon and started supporting him, too.
    A. walked  B. stepped  C. jumped   D. climbed
    4. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times ______ their spirit to help others in need. 
    A. dampen: làm nản lòng  B. moisten: trở lên ẩm ướt  C. drench:ướt đẫm  D. deluge: trận lụt lớn
    5. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a ______ heir squandering his wealth.
    A. stingy: keo kiệt  B. miserly: người keo kiệt  C. spendthrift: hoang phí  D. penny- pincher: người tiết kiệm

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