1. … buying a new TV, he had the old one repaired. A. Without B. On behalf of C. Instead of D. Apart from 2. The manager … the accountant for t

By Melanie

1. … buying a new TV, he had the old one repaired.
A. Without B. On behalf of C. Instead of D. Apart from
2. The manager … the accountant for the missing minute.
A. apologized B. accused C. blamed D. charged
3. We … to building our country by studying harder.
A. contribute B. prefer C. devote D. charity
4. No sooner had the operation been successful than his heart disease …
A. got over B. got off C. put off D. put out
5. We couldn’t have … the difficulties without his help.
A. coped with B. dealed with C. depended on D. based on
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