1. By the time I had got up the courage to ask her to marry me, she was engaged to somebody else. A. At the moment I felt brave enough to propose to h

By Audrey

1. By the time I had got up the courage to ask her to marry me, she was engaged to somebody else.
A. At the moment I felt brave enough to propose to her, I learnt that she had already promised to marry another man.
B. Before I felt brave enough to propose her, she had agreed to marry another man.
C. Just when I asked her to marry me, she accepted an engagement to another man.
D. I offered her a proposal of marriage, but she said she was already engaged to someone else.
2. Unless they comply with the rules, they won’t be allowed back into the club.
A. As long as they refuse to behave, it doesn’t seem possible for them to be accepted into the club.
B. They can go to the club once more, but only if they obey the rules.
C. They can’t enter the club because they have violated the rules.
D. They can only enter the club again if they behave in accordance with the rules.
3. You’re not obliged to sign the contract now, but a delay may mean losing the position.
A. The company is offering the contract, would like you to think carefully before signing the document.
B. The job will certainly be given to somebody less hesitant if you do not sign at once.
C. You do not have to sign the contract immediately, but the company doesn’t promise to reserve the job for you.
D. You must wait before signing a contract even if you feel you should accept employment straight away.
4. When he returned home years later, with so many changes to the house, he was barely to recognize it.
A. he found it hard to identify the house after his long absence as it did not look the same at all.
B. He completely changed the appearance of his house a few years after he came home.
C. As it looked totally different, he couldn’t find his old house when he went back to visit.
D. Because he was unfamiliar with the area, it was difficult for him to locate his old home.
5. From the look on your face, I’m sure this is the first time you’ve eaten Indian food.
A. The expression on your face makes it clear that you’ll never eat Indian food again.
B. I don’t think you like Indian food as there is a strange look on your face.
C. What I understand from the look on your face is that this won’t be the last time you eat Indian food.
D. You can’t have tried Indian food before, as far as I can gather from the expression on your face.
6. You could have been more tactful to her when you broke the news of her dismissal from work.
A. How you broke the news to her did not matter so much, as being dismissed from work would upset her anyway.
B. The way you informed her about her dismissal from work needn’t have been so direct.
C. Since you were careful about the way you informed her, she wasn’t really hurt because of her dismissal from work.
D. She wouldn’t have been so upset if you have been more tactful when infroming her about her being dismissed.
7. Everybody believes that he shouldn’t have trusted the people around him so much.
A. He was so credulous that all the people around him could easily deceive him.
B. He now admits that some of the people around him didn’t deserve to be trusted at all.
C. Nobody thinks that any of the people around him are honest enough to be trusted.
D. The general opinion is that he made a mistake by having so much faith in the people around him.
8. The government couldn’t have passed this law without the support of several members from the opposition.
A. Only a few members from the opposition supported the law, so the government couldn’t pass it.
B. I don’t believe that the government will be able to pass this law if some members from the opposition don’t back it.
C. The government was only able to pass this law because some members from the opposition backed it.
D. The government managed to pass the law even without the support of any members from the opposition.
9. He needn’t have hurried as the meeting didn’t start until quite a while after the time for which it had been planned.
A. The meeting started rather later than scheduled, so it wasn’t necessary for him to hurry.
B. There was no need for him to hurry because he had plenty of time before the scheduled time of the meeting.
C. He didn’t need to hurry as he already knew that the meeting wouldn’t start as scheduled.
D. He wouldn’t have arrived at the meeting on time if he hadn’t hurried.
10. I’d suggest that we avoid telling any scary stories with Janet around, since she’s a bit unstable and could get hysterical.
A. Janet has trouble keeping her emotions under control, especially when she is told frightening stories.
B. Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, the only way to make her laugh is by telling stories, but we should avoid scary ones as they might cause her to panic.
C. It is no fun to tell frightening stories to Janet, who is not very stable mentally, because she only laughs instead of getting scared.
D. Janet is somewhat mentally unbalanced and might easily become uncontrollably emotional, so let’e not tell frightening stories in her presence.

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