1 Complete the dialogues with the words below. There are two words you do not need. advertising banknotes bargain bids goods

By Mackenzie

1 Complete the dialogues with the words below. There are two words you do not need.
advertising banknotes bargain bids goods sale purchased
1 Customer: How much is this T-shirt?
Assistant: £10.99. It’s half price today, so it’s a real ____________!
2 Jake: I’m selling my camera on eBay. I hope I get a lot of money for it.
Zoe: I hope so too. Have there been any ____________ yet?
3 Ben: I don’t like this website. There are so many pop-ups and flashing messages.
Frank: Well, the website can make a lot of money from ____________ like that.
4 Customer: How much is the painting in the window, please?

2 Choose the correct words.
1 Facebook is so boring! I’ve just deactivated / created my profile.
2 How can I upload / update these photos to my blog?
3 I’ve forgotten my password, so I can’t log on / post to my email account.
4 Look! Jenny has created / deactivated an album so that we can look at her photos.
5 Kyle posted / logged his exam results on Facebook. He’s such a show-off!
6 I wonder if Larry’s ill. He hasn’t updated / created his blog for ages.

3 Complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap.
1 The library is a quiet area. Please switch ____________ your mobile phones.
2 Dan! I’m on the phone! Turn ____________ the music, please! It doesn’t have to be so loud!
3 I need to charge my battery. Can I plug ____________ my phone at your house?
4 Wait! Don’t pull ____________ the plug! I haven’t finished my essay.
5 If you put ____________ the headphones, you can listen to your music in the car.
6 It’s the end of the lesson, so you can put ____________ your books now.

4 Complete the text with the words below. There are two words you do not need.
across audience ceremony hard-working respect through voluntary
My brother finished university today. It was his graduation. I went to the 1____________ with my parents. They are so proud of him! He is incredibly 2____________ and clever. He looked nervous as he walked 3____________ the stage to get his degree, but then he saw us in the
4____________, and he smiled and relaxed. After university he’s going to go to India and do
5____________ work in a hospital there

5 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
Martin Blane is a farmer in Cornwall, in England. One summer, Martin noticed that something strange was happening on his land. He was standing on a bridge and looking at the wheat in his fields when he realised there was a strange picture in the wheat.
‘I looked and saw lots of circles in the wheat. The line of circles went across the field from the gate all the way to the end by the stream. They were very big. Other circles made a kind of picture in the wheat. I thought aliens had come from space.’
During that summer, and all through the 1970s, more strange pictures appeared in wheat fields on farms in the south of England. Nobody knew what these ‘crop circles’ were. Photographs of them appeared in all the newspapers and people thought the subject was gripping. Many thought that aliens had come to Earth and made the pictures.
But then in the 1990s two men admitted to making the crop circles. They made a plan for a picture and then they went out secretly in the night to make their picture in the fields. Some people think they were creative and the crop circles were entertaining, but their actions were illegal. The men were on land that didn’t belong to them. Farmers were angry because their crops were damaged. The two men promised to stop.
However, the crop circles are still appearing. On the Internet, you will find photographs of crop circles on farms in different countries around the world. Some people believe the two men were lying, and the crop circles are really made by aliens.

1 Martin Blane noticed that the animals in his fields were behaving strangely. _____
2 The big circles went from one end of the field to the other. _____
3 The media weren’t interested in the crop circles. _____
4 Everyone was angry because the men damaged farmers’ crops. _____
5 People disagree about who makes the crop circles. _____

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