1. I left home … 16. A. since I was B. at the age of C. when I have been D. while I was 2. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. We met … interest

By Valerie

1. I left home … 16.
A. since I was B. at the age of C. when I have been D. while I was
2. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. We met … interesting people.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. little
3. She said as if she … the lottery ticket.
A. would have won B. would win C. must have won D. had won
4. I have some pain in my heart. You … your doctor yesterday.
A. must have met B. had met C. will have met D. should have met
5. … that we went on a picnic in the countryside.
A. Because it was very nice B. So nice it was
C. So nice was it D. It was a nice day
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