1. Our center … three departments. A. consists of B. insists on C. bases on D. focus on 2. If you come to my house on the first time, the dog wil

By Aubrey

1. Our center … three departments.
A. consists of B. insists on C. bases on D. focus on
2. If you come to my house on the first time, the dog will keep … you.
A. bark at B. to bark to C. barking D. barking at
3. We hope that Vietnamese football team will … Golden medal next Seagames.
A. get B. win C. bear away D. take
4. His behavior… her feeling.
A. decides B. causes C. bears on D. bring about
5. The sales manager decided to … down the price of the goods in 2009.
A. get B. knock C. put D. beat
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