1. Rafael Display virtual keyboard interface (go) shopping for me yesterday. 2. Sandra Display virtual keyboard interface (lend) her brother `£200 s

By Adalynn

1. Rafael
Display virtual keyboard interface (go) shopping for me yesterday.
2. Sandra
Display virtual keyboard interface (lend) her brother `£200 so far.
3. The policeman
Display virtual keyboard interface (drive) away ten minutes ago.
4. The biscuit factory
Display virtual keyboard interface(close) down last year.
5. She’s very red. I think she
Display virtual keyboard interface (lie) in the sun.
6. Ron
Display virtual keyboard interface (just/ pass) his driving test.
7. Karen
Display virtual keyboard interface (study) Italian for three years now and is still studying.
8. The Headmaster
Display virtual keyboard interface (come) to this school in 2004.
9. Jack
Display virtual keyboard interface (try) to get a job for six months, but is still unemployed.
10. The teacher
Display virtual keyboard interface (already / tell) him to be quiet.
11. Tim
Display virtual keyboard interface (not/take) many photos yet.
12. Oh no! I
Display virtual keyboard interface (leave) my purse at home.
13. They
Display virtual keyboard interface (fall) in love with each other at first sight 2 years ago.
14. I don’t want to have a bath because I
Display virtual keyboard interface (just / have) a shower.
15. I’m sorry I
Display virtual keyboard interface (forget) your name. What did you say it was?

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