1. She … me … not coming on time. A. accused / for B. apologised / to C. blamed / for D. punished / for 2. Wherever he goes, he always … his

By Allison

1. She … me … not coming on time.
A. accused / for B. apologised / to C. blamed / for D. punished / for
2. Wherever he goes, he always … his son with his friends.
A. said B. boasts of C. boasts on D. told
3. I don’t have my own book, I … one … my friend.
A. lend / to B. lend / from C. borrow / from D. have / from
4. She broke a loaf of bread … two pieces.
A. in B. of C. into D. for
5. My house was … last night.
A. broken up B. broken into C. broken off D. broken
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