1. The museum was … last night, but nothing was stolen. A. broken into B. broken down C. put off D. put out 2. There … an increase in road acci

By Gianna

1. The museum was … last night, but nothing was stolen.
A. broken into B. broken down C. put off D. put out
2. There … an increase in road accident in the city over the past four years.
A. have been B. has been C. was D. would be
3. Their parents died when they were at the age of 12 and they were … by their grandfather.
A. brought up B. grown up C. taken up D. brought about
4. Scientists … about 250 species of shark.
A. divide B. classify C. satisfy D. conclude
5. The bus made a long … on the way to the city.
A. delay B. cancel C. departure D. existence
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