1. Tom had a bad ____, so he couldn’t join us on the trip HEAD 2. junk food and lack of exercise have ______ to the in obesity. CONTRIBUTION 3. The st

By Claire

1. Tom had a bad ____, so he couldn’t join us on the trip HEAD
2. junk food and lack of exercise have ______ to the in obesity. CONTRIBUTION
3. The students make ______ of books and clothes to help children in mountainous areas DONATE
4. there are over fifty dolls of various sizes in Helen’s _______. COLLECT
5.I’d love to travel by plane but it’s a bit too ______ for me. COST

0 bình luận về “1. Tom had a bad ____, so he couldn’t join us on the trip HEAD 2. junk food and lack of exercise have ______ to the in obesity. CONTRIBUTION 3. The st”

  1. 1. headache (đau đầu)

    2. contribute (góp phần)

    3. donation (đồ tặng)

    donation of books and clothes: quyên góp sách và quần áo

    4. collection (bộ sưu tập)

    5. costly (đắt)


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