60. America is considered one of the biggest _________ in the world. (POWER) 61. The water ________ in the building is of great concern. It can damage

By Eloise

60. America is considered one of the biggest _________ in the world. (POWER)
61. The water ________ in the building is of great concern. It can damage the walls if not managed properly and
timely. (FILL)
62. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was ________ a trick. (GUILE)
63. In a _________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. (DOUBT)
64. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) ________ side. (LATERAL)
65. The homless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) _________ tone. (PASSION)
66. The man reported than he had seen a(n) _________ object, which might well be a UFO. (EGG)
67. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with _________ system in order to prevent suffocation. (VENT)
68. The advent of Internet is an important __________ in human history. (MARK)
69. His face showed the remark of _________ even when we were talking about seriously. ( FLIP)
70. What you know is rather __________. And it is unfair to judge just through a cursory glance. (FACIES)
71. Moving _________ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves. (CLOCK)
72. Reta is studying animal __________ at the Oxford university. (GENE)
73. The crews fortuitously dicovered a __________ in the ship’s cool chamber. (STOW)
74. The man was _________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house. (STOW)
75. The report has _________ the cause of global warming in the past decades. (POINT)
76. It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to VietNam as it is _________. (SHIP)
77. “Titanic” is an example of _________ romance. (SHIP)
78. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of _________. (ALIGN)
79. There used to be a __________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site. (HOLD)
80. Andy was ___________ from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude. (COMMUNICATE)
81. I was so ____________ that even a spider scared me. (KNEE)
82. The government ____________ its responsibility in the leakage of confidential information. (NEGATE)
83. Try not to be ___________ even if you are tremendously successful. (VAIN)
84. Bob is a(n) ___________ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
85. The goverment’s policy to soothe the anger among people was ___________. It should have happened earlier.
86. Tom’s collection is such a(n) ___________. There is no connection between things. (MASH)
87. I was completely ___________ by the fact that he was going to get married. (MUSE)
88. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly __________. (SCIENCE)
89. I question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever dealtwith, even in the pages of __________
fiction. (SCIENCE)
90. Adam’s gait is a(n) __________ for his strong personality. (WORD)

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