Viết bài văn về chủ đề theo các gợi ý: chủ đề: tell about water pollution gợi ý: 1: tell how many types of pollution 2: if there is soil/ w

By Josephine

Viết bài văn về chủ đề theo các gợi ý:
chủ đề: tell about water pollution
gợi ý: 1: tell how many types of pollution
2: if there is soil/ water/ air pollution, what will you do? or what happens

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  1. Today, we are faced with water pollution caused by human impacts. Factories a series of factories were built, making an increasingly large amount of wastewater discharged to be treated. But due to the lack of treatment systems, most of this waste is discharged directly into rivers and lakes, destroying the aquatic environment and the organisms living there. In addition, oil spills caused by ship accidents at sea have made water pollution worse and worse, leading to the death of many species of seabirds as well as aquatic creatures. People who travel to the sea or go sightseeing next to rivers and lakes are also very unconscious when throwing plastic waste at the wrong place but throwing it in the water. protect green water, clean and beautiful before it’s too late.

    Cho mình 5 sao nhé, mình tự viết ạ =))))

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