B1 Finish these sentence by adding a tag question with the correct form of the verb and the subject pronoun: 1. Your sister is collecting stickers, .

By Katherine

B1 Finish these sentence by adding a tag question with the correct form of the verb and the subject pronoun:
1. Your sister is collecting stickers, …….?
2. Someone often watches tv in the afternoon,….?
3. Your children have cleaned your bike,…….?
4. John and Max like Maths, ….?
5. Peter played handball yesterday, ….?
6. Your teachers are going home from school, …..?
7. Mrs Mary did her homework last Monday, …..?
8. Her father could have bought a new car,…..?
9. Mr Kevin will come tonight, …..?
10. I’m clever,…?
11. He’s not coming, …?
12. I’m not late, ……?
13. The bank lent him the money,……?
14. Your brother shouldn’t do that,…..?
15. No one takes sugar in coffee, ……?
16. She looks tired, …..?
17. There is a cinema near the station, ….?
18. He arrived late, ….?
19. Nobody has arrived yet,……?
20. It’s time to go, ….?
21. I’m right, ……?
22. Somebody has seen it before, ….?
23. Everybody will be there,….?
24. No one would do that, …..?
25. Something looks news there, …..?
26. She has had too much to do lately, ….?

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