Bài tập khoanh Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, orD to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Before she left for Aust

By Kylie

Bài tập khoanh
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, orD to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she would drop them
at least once a month.
A. a note B. a word C. the news D. a line
2. I was all set to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute I and decided
to stay in Britain.
A. pulled my finger out B. got cold feet
C. held my horses D. called it a day
3. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly
publication,” said the government official to the reporter.
and most certainly not for
A. beside the point B. for the time being
C. by the way D. off the record
4. I’ve never enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my .
A. piece of cake B. chip off the old block
C. biscuit D. cup of tea
5. “What’s wrong with Tom today? He’s unusually quiet.” “He’s got something on
his . I expect.”
A. brain B. mind C. thoughts D. brow
6. He was wearing very shabby, dirty clothes and looked very .
A. easy-going B. down to earth
C. out of shape D. down at heel
7. Since he started his own business he has been making money hand over .
A. fist B. heel C. head D. palm
8. I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year – we’re so out of .
A. step B. practice C. fitness D. breath
9. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been
to affect his health sooner or later.
for a long time. It was bound
A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candle at both ends
C. playing with fire D. going to town
10. I just couldn’t remember her name even though it was on the of my tongue.
A. edge B. tip C. top D. front
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. That’s exactly what I mean, Tom. You've !
A. put your foot in it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
2. “I’m going for an interview for a job this afternoon.” “Good luck! I’ll keep
my crossed for you.”
A. legs B. fingers C. arms D. hands
3. “If only I hadn’t lent him all that money!” '‘Well, you did, so it’s no good crying
over milk.”
A. spilt B. wasted C. sour D. goat’s
4. The car swerved to avoid a cyclist and just missed hitting a passer-by.by .
A. a slight edge B. a narrow escape
C. a close thing D. a hair’s breath
5. Well, well, if it isn’t Kathy Lewis! You’re a sight for _____eyes!
A. old B. blue C. sore D. crocodile
6. I know times have been bad lately, Peter, but keep your up; things
are bound to get better soon.
A. chin B. head C. socks D. mind
7. He may be shy now, but he’ll soon come out of his when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. shell C. shed D. hole
8. I’m afraid you’ve caught me on the
_____. I wasn’t expecting you until this
A. stove B. grapevine C. spot D. hop
9. Nagging Susan to stop smoking has no effect on her. It’s like water off _____
A. a windmill B. a duck’s back
C. a dripping tap D. an umbrella
10. Have you seen the new boss? She’s the image of Marilyn Monroe.
live B. true C. spitting D. same

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