CẦN GẤP, ƯU TIÊN KÈM GIẢI THÍCH!!!!! I. Choose the correct answer. 51. The board of director discuss the project, then went on _______ another topic.

By Adeline

I. Choose the correct answer.
51. The board of director discuss the project, then went on _______ another topic.
A. to discuss B. discuss C. discussing D. discussed
52. In our society, people spend more and more time _______. Therefore, we often don’t bother _______ healthy meals.
A. working / to prepare B. to work / to prepare
C. work/ preparing D. to work / preparing
53. The high amount of carbohydrates in fast foods and sugary drinks is blamed _______ the body’s regulation of appetite. Consequently, we keep _______ to eat more.
A. to destabilize / to want B. to destabilize/ wanting
C. for destabilizing / wanting D. for destabilizing / to want
54. But for her help I wouldn’t have finished _______ the homework. She helped me _______ it.
A. translating/ be finished B. translate / to finish
C. translating / finishing D. translating / to finish
55. There is no point in _______ on the subject, because no one can make me _______that he is an honest man.
A. insisting / to believe B. to insist / to believe
C. insist/ believe D. insisting / believe
56. She_______ him when he called her.
A. pretended not hear B. pretended she heard not
C. pretended not to hear D. did not pretend hear
57. The Museum of Modern Art is an interactive children’s museum that takes a whole day_______.
A. to explore B. to be exploring C. to have explored D. to be explored
58. As it turned out, those who insisted on_______ them extra time were right.
A. to give them B. to be given C. giving D. give
59. The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop _______ in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. to be holding B. should hold C. to be held D. to hold
60. It was Mrs Kent who suggested Mary _______ abroad.
A. study B. studying C. to study D. studied
61. Following the 1990 census, the districts were needed _______ due to the population shift of the country.
A. redrew B. redrawn C. to be redrawn D. to have redrawn
62. There is no point in _______ such a long time. I can’t see anybody coming _______ us.
A. to wait / meet B. waiting / meeting C. waiting / to meet D. wait / meeting
63. The superintendent promised to tear down and_______ the damaged buildings.
A. rebuild B. to rebuild C. rebuilding D. to rebuilding
64. I’m delighted _______ the chance _______ you at last.
A. to have had / to meet B. having / meeting
C. to be having / being met D. having had / to be meeting
65. Do you want _______ by the doctor?
A. to examine B. to be examined C. being examined D. being to examine
66. Obese people risk _______ from heart diseases. Nevertheless, we can avoid _______ such diseases by choosing to eat healthy food.
A. suffering / getting B. suffering / to get
C. in suffering / to get D. in suffering / getting
67. It should be a priority for world leaders _______ durable solutions for world peace rather than _______ their time and effort on transitory ones.
A. to find / wasting B. finding / to waste
C. having found / wasted D. being found / wasting
68. I am looking forward _______ my brother. He has been abroad for three years.
A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. to be seeing
69. It was really funny to see how they avoided _______ in the official media after his decision to emigrate.
A. to mention his name B. mentioning his name
C. his name to be mentioned D. his name being mentioned
70. Are you ready _______ lyet? The train leaves in 30 minutes!
A. going B. to go C. to have gone D. having gone
71. We are very anxious because we are hoping _______ our application at the adoption agency _______by the end of the week.
A. having / to be approved B. having / to be approved
C. to have / approved D. to be having / approve

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