chỉ cần ghi số thứ tự và đáp án ạ, ko cần viết cả câu. vd: 51. fortune (lm càng nhanh càng đc ctlhn ạ) 51. It is that you missed the meeting. (FORTUNE

By Clara

chỉ cần ghi số thứ tự và đáp án ạ, ko cần viết cả câu. vd: 51. fortune (lm càng nhanh càng đc ctlhn ạ)
51. It is that you missed the meeting. (FORTUNE)
52. Her rudeness was most . (REGRET)
53. I don’t want any from you. (INTERFERE)
54. He died a death. (GLORY)
55. It is even to think of the horrors of nuclear war. (FRIGHT)
56. He was turned down for the job because he was . (QUALIFY)
57. She wanted to have her skirt . (LONG)
58. I found the visit most . (EDUCATE)
59. The doctor gave him some tablets to his pain. (RELIEF)
60. Please your seat-belt. The plane is taking off. (FAST)
61. She always listens to what she is told. (ATTEND)
62. In his family, he is a child. (TROUBLE)
63. There has been a improvement in her writing. (NOTICE)
64. The price of the house includes many existing and fittings. (FIX)
65. It was of me to mislead you like that. (FORGIVE)
66. He is very and professional in everything he does. (SYSTEM)
67. Fruit as it ripens. (SWEET)
68. My brother lives in a area. (RESIDE)
69. Students will have to seek accommodation for themselves as the school only provides
_______ course. (RESIDE)
70. They were brought up to behave in a way in public. (CIVILIZATION)
71. I am tired of your behaviour. When are you going to grow up?
72. All the judges were impressed by her proper manners and smile.
73. You cannot about the effects of the drug from the cases of one or two
patients. (GENERAL)
74. Japanese cars are known for their . (RELY)
75. He is always to his father’s wishes, which is really annoying. (OBEY)
76. She bites her nails all the time. It is a sign of . (NERVE)
77. We were by what we saw. (HORROR)
78. They left the house in a mess. (FRIGHT)
79. The children were surprised at the sudden of their teacher. (ENTER)
80. You are not to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.
81. He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he is very . (ENTHUSE)
82. is totally upon money from the public. (DEPEND)
83. It’s pitiful that the bank has been very in sorting out her late
husband’s finances. (COOPERATE)
84. Is military service in your country? (COMPEL)
85. It was of you not to offer her a drink. (HOSPITABLE)
86. The carpet is available in various . (WIDE)
87. The plane grounded because of poor . (VISIBLE)
88. He resigned for a of reasons. (VARIOUS)
89. He wrote so many sentences in his essay. (GRAMMAR)
90. They aren’t leave their children for even a moment. (ATTEND)
91. On a day we receive about fifty letters. (TYPE)
92. They had a large over the other party at the last election. (MAJOR)
93. _______ , he survived the crash without injury. (MIRACLE)
94. He is very generous and everyone admires his . (SELF)
95. He wrote a letter to me. (THREAT)
96. He was enormously when my grandfather died. (SYMPATHIZE)
97. They witnessed the miraculous of some people in the air crash.
98. Help is immediately sent to the of the earthquake. (SURVIVE)
99. The police appealed to the crowd for . (RESTRAIN)
100. To be honest, I find the film rather . (OFFEND)

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