Choose the past simple or past continuous: 1. What ________________________ (you / do) when I ________________________ (call) you last night? 2. I _

By Samantha

Choose the past simple or past continuous:
1. What ________________________ (you / do) when I ________________________ (call) you last night?
2. I ________________________ (sit) in a café when you ________________________ (call).
3. When you ________________________ (arrive) at the party, who ________________________ (be) there?
4. Susie ________________________ (watch) a film when she ________________________ (hear) the noise.
5. Yesterday I ________________________ (go) to the library, next I ________________________ (have) a swim, later I ________________________ (meet) Julie for a coffee.
6. We ________________________ (play) tennis when John ________________________ (hurt) his ankle.
7. What ________________________ (they / do) at 10pm last night? It ________________________ (be) really noisy.
8. He ________________________ (take) a shower when the telephone ________________________ (ring).
9. He ________________________ (be) in the shower when the telephone ________________________ (ring).
10. When I ________________________ (walk) into the room, everyone ________________________ (work).
Choose the correct form of the verb: use simple present and simple past
1.- I ________________________ to do that last Monday ( want)
2.-You were there, I ________________________ you ( see)
3.- Lis ________________________ 5 years old ( be)
4.- Does she ________________________ chocolate? ( like)
5.- Sarahi ________________________ the questions ( not – answer)
6.- Daniela ________________________ with him last week ( not- break up)
7.- ________________________ a dog last month? ( she – have )
8.- It was hot in the room, so I ________________________ the window ( open)
9.- The film was very long, it ________________________ at 7:15 and finished at 10:00( start)
10.- You ________________________ around the world every year ( travel )
11.- ________________________ me? ( he – hate )
12.- The accident ________________________ last Sunday ( happen)
13.- Roberth ________________________ maths ( not- like)
14.- Anna’s grandfather ________________________ when he was 90 years old ( die)
15.- They ________________________ their free time ( enjoy)
16.- Last year, we ________________________ our free time ( enjoy)
17.- Jessica ________________________ to the concert last weekend ( go)

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