Complete the information on the website with the correct form of the verbs given. Just imagine (1) THROWING (throw) yourself out of a plane at 13,000

By Adalyn

Complete the information on the website with the correct form of the verbs given.
Just imagine (1) THROWING (throw) yourself out of a plane at 13,000 feet and falling through the air at 170 kilometres per hour! You open your parachute and float safely down to the ground. Does this sound exciting? Then you should (2) …………………………. (take) a skydiving course at Paradive College.
Paradive College is located in southern Spain, where weather conditions are perfect for (3) …………………………. (learn) to skydive and seldom prevent students from (4) …………………………. (jump). The idea is (5) …………………………. (gain) the necessary skills before your first jump. (6) …………………………. (train) with expert instructors starts at ground school, where you’ll spend time (7) …………………………. (prepare) for your first controlled jump. This also helps you (8) …………………………. (deal) with any fears you might have. For safety, we insist that two instructors (9) …………………………. (dive) with you on your first attempt.
“I’ll never forget the adrenaline rush when my instructor told me it was time (10) …………………………. (jump)” Belen, Madrid.
“With skydiving, it’s important that you (11) HAVE instructions you can trust. It was good (12) ……………………… (know) I was in safe hands!” Justin, London
“The first time I tried (13) SKY DRIVING (skydive) I was terrified, but my instructor demanded that (14) …………………………. (do) another jump and I soon overcame my fears.”
Camille, Paris

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