Describe a computer/ phone game you enjoyed playing during your childhood. Bài này là bài học thêm, mong mn giúp đỡ em ạ

By Parker

Describe a computer/ phone game you enjoyed playing during your childhood.
Bài này là bài học thêm, mong mn giúp đỡ em ạ

0 bình luận về “Describe a computer/ phone game you enjoyed playing during your childhood. Bài này là bài học thêm, mong mn giúp đỡ em ạ”

  1. First, I want to say that I am not a big fan of computer or phone games as they are time-consuming. But, I will take this chance to tell you about a computer game that I like- Feeding Frenzy.

    In this game, you are a small fish in an ocean full of big fish, and the only way to survive is to eat the little guys until you can challenge even the most dangerous predators of the deep!

    It’s eat or be eaten: eat  fish smaller than you, but avoid bigger ones. The more you eat, the more you’ll grow, and the larger the fish you can eat!

    We used to play the game using the mouse. Most of the times we used to take turn to play, but sometimes I even enjoyed playing it alone. But, one thing for sure, the game was amazing and almost addictive. I have loved it through my entire childhood and even now, when I am under much study pressure, I’d go for it as a way to relax mentally.

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