điền các từ sau đây vào ô trống thích hợp buffalo drawm cart , harvest time ,paddy field , cattle , pasture, get , beehive , highlands , dairy produc

By Clara

điền các từ sau đây vào ô trống thích hợp
buffalo drawm cart , harvest time ,paddy field , cattle , pasture, get , beehive , highlands , dairy products, nomad
1 if you want to gather honey , don’t kick over the _______
2 horses are grazing in the ________
3 he helped his uncle load hay onyo a ____
4 mongolia’s nomads live in a traditional tent called ______
5 we saw lots of lush rice __________on the way to the village
6 in mongolia , he spent time with the nomads of the Gobi ______
7 a boy was driving the herd of _____to the pasture
8 it is ________________, and all the farmers are very busy
9 the Maasia are ____________and cattle raisers
10 the doctor told me to eat less red meat and ________

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  1. @Saky

    1. Beehive 

    2. Pasture

    3. Buffalo drawn cart

    4. Ger/ Not get

    5. Paddy field

    6. Highlands

    7. Cattle

    8.Harvest time

    9. Nomad

    10. Dairy products

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