/ Điền tính từ sở hữu vào các câu sau đây: 1. I have finished ……….. homework tonight. 2. Linda is taking with ……….. mother. 3. Tom doing homework with

/ Điền tính từ sở hữu vào các câu sau đây:
1. I have finished ……….. homework tonight.
2. Linda is taking with ……….. mother.
3. Tom doing homework with …..… sister.
4. In the morning, Lyly water ………. plants and feed ……… dog.
5. She is wearing shoes. ……… shoes is very lovely.
6. The cat wagged ……… tail
7. On next weekend, she is going to visit …….. parents and ……. grandmother.
8. Every morning, Tom often take …. dog for a walk.
9. Lyly is sick. I will bring her …….. homework.
10. Jack just gave me a tree in ……. garden.

0 bình luận về “/ Điền tính từ sở hữu vào các câu sau đây: 1. I have finished ……….. homework tonight. 2. Linda is taking with ……….. mother. 3. Tom doing homework with”

  1. 1. I have finished my homework tonight.

    2. Linda is taking with her mother.

    3. Tom doing homework with his sister.

    4. In the morning, Lyly water her plants and feed her dog.

    5. She is wearing shoes. Her shoes is very lovely.

    6. The cat wagged its tail

    7. On next weekend, she is going to visit her parents and her grandmother.

    8. Every morning, Tom often take his dog for a walk.

    9. Lyly is sick. I will bring her my homework.

    10. Jack just gave me a tree in his garden.

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