Điền từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống cho đúng ( smallish / sevenish/twentyish/tallish/fairish/greenish/darkish ) Well , it happened very quickly , offi

By Elliana

Điền từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống cho đúng
( smallish / sevenish/twentyish/tallish/fairish/greenish/darkish )
Well , it happened very quickly , officer . I was just leaving my office . It was fairly late , perhaps ( 1) _______ and I couldn’t see very well because it was already getting ( 2) ______________ . A man came out of the bank . He had (3) __________ hair . His age , well , he was ( 4 ) _______________ or maybe twenty-five . I couldn’t guess his height , but he was ( 5 ) ______________ . He had a suitcase and he got into a car , not a very big one , ( 6 ) __________ in fact . The colour ? I think it was ( 7 ) ________ . Sorry I can’t be more exact

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