Ex 5: Complete the following sentences using “to V”, “V”, “V-ing” 6. I have a lot of homework ( do) =-… tonight, so I cannot go out

By Eliza

Ex 5: Complete the following sentences using “to V”, “V”, “V-ing”
6. I have a lot of homework ( do) ………………. tonight, so I cannot go out with you.
7. We were hungry, so I suggested …………………………(have) dinner early.
8. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ………………………..(wait).
9. It is really interesting ( read) ………………. these books.
10. I saw the plane (crash) ………………. into the hill and (burst) ………………. into flames.
11. She is busy with …………………..(take) care of her baby.
12. They’re looking forward to……………………(see) their old classmates again.
13. They decided ( not/ go) ………………. to the park as it was raining hard
14. I want you ( tell) ………………. me the whole truth.
15. I don’t enjoy …………………….(drive) very much.
16. I felt the house (shake) ………………. with the explosion,
17. I expect……………………..(pass) all exams with good marks.
18. I was too tired ( do) ………………. any more work.
Exercise 6:Identify one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. He found it hard repair the computer.
2. How can you let such a silly incident wrecking your friendship?
3. I couldn’t help being laughed when he told me that story.
4. She has tried to wear three dresses and the blue one was the best.
5. It cost me a lot but I don’t regret spend money on it.
6. Her teacher suggested them taking a trip to Huong pagoda.
7. Remember check your answer before handing in your exam paper.
8. He doesn’t like being pick up at school by his mother.
9. They prevented the customers from leave the shop.
10. It’s no use to persuade him. He has made up his mind.
1. I don’t enjoy (laugh) …………….. at by other people.
2. I want ( see) …………………. the house where our president was born
3. You must tell me the truth. I insist on ( tell) ……………. the truth.
4. I can’t stand ( work) ……………….. with such a rude man.
5. It is easy ( fool) ……………….. by his lies.
6. Don’t all of us want (love) …………… and (need) ……………. by other people?
7. Susan considers ( look) ……………….. for another job.
8. Sometimes adolescents complains about not (understand) ……………….. by their parents.
9. Your compositions are supposed ( write) ………….. in ink.
10.Tracy promised ( help) ……………….. Owen with his packing.
11. Ms. Thompson is always willing to help if there is a problem in the office, but she doesn’t want ( call) …………….. at home unless there is an emergency.
12. Jack Wells has a good chance of (elect) ………………. I know I am going to vote for him.
13. What a mess! This room needs ( clean) ………………. up. We need ( clean) ………………….. it up before the company arrives.
14. Alice didn’t expect ( ask) ……………………. to Bill party.
15. If you eahr any news, I want (tell) …………….. immediately.
16. I don’t like ( force) ……………….. to leave the room to study when my roommates feel like having a party.
17. My children enjoy ( allow) ………………. to stay up late when there’s something special on TV.
18. Jane is looking forward to ( see) ………………….. her boyfriend again
19. John admitted (surprise) ……………. by the unexpected birthday party last night.
20. The witness to the murder asked not ( identify) ………………… in the newspaper.
21. Will you help me ( cut) ……………… the grass today?
22. . Martha doesn’t like t have her picture taken. She avoids ( photograph) …………………….
23. This letter needs ( send) …………………… immediately.
24. The company seems ( make) ………………… good progress this year
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentences using passive gerund or passive infinitive
1. I don’t like people shouting at me. …………………………………………………… …………………………………
2. I hate people staring at me. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. We need to redecorate the living room. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Someone may recognize her. She is wearing glasses to avoid that………………………………………………….
5. People criticize him, but he doesn’t mind that. ……………………………………………………………………………….
6. People ask her about her past, she hates that. …………………………………………………………………………………
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