Ex1: Give the correect form of the vebrs in the parentheses . 1. If only I (can take)__________the trip to HaNoi with her next summer 2. He was runni

By Aubrey

Ex1: Give the correect form of the vebrs in the parentheses .
1. If only I (can take)__________the trip to HaNoi with her next summer
2. He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. If only he (not/run) _________so fast.
3. I wish they (visit)__________ us when they were in town
4. I wish that someday I (be) __________ able to marry her
5.It rained so hard that the party was cancelled. I wish it (rain) __________
6.Tom likes football very much. He wishes he (become) _________ a proessional footballer
7.I wish she (come) ________ to see me yesterday
8. If only she had seen the doctor carlier. He (save) __________ her
9.I wish they (travle)_________ to Ha Long this summer
10. We have to take the bus home. I wish we (not live) so far from the city centre
11.He keeps whistling. I wish he (not do) __________ that all the time
12. What a beautifull house! I wish I(have)___________a house like this one
13. This computer is useless. I wish my parent (choose)___________ bettre one when they bought it
15. He’s sorry he missed the wedding ceremony. He wishes he (go)_________

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