Ex1 : Khoanh 1. In the future , natural disasters – accurately with the help of technology. a. to predict. b. predict. c

By Audrey

Ex1 : Khoanh
1. In the future , natural disasters …. accurately with the help of technology.
a. to predict. b. predict. c. will be predicted. d. will predict
2. She prefers English ….. France.
a. to b. than. c. with d. at
3. A ….. is the traditional dress for Korean women
a. hanbox. b. veil. c. kimono.
d. kilt
4. How about organising a Clean Day for our shool? – …………
a. i promise. b. good idea.
c. not at alll. d. go ahead
5. Which word is streessed differently from the others?
a. Interviewee. b. adoptee
c. addressee. d. employee
Ex2: Viết lại câu

1. Scientists have invented new devices to help people live a longer life.
= New devices
2.I donot have enought time , so I can’t travel around the world this summer.
= If
3. The man had a broken leg. He tried to save his wife
= In spite of

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