Ex2: Chọn một động từ đúng trong ngoặc 1. I wish I (have/has/had) a lot of interesting book. 2. I wish I (meet/met/to meet) her tomorrow. 3. I wish I

By Nevaeh

Ex2: Chọn một động từ đúng trong ngoặc
1. I wish I (have/has/had) a lot of interesting book.
2. I wish I (meet/met/to meet) her tomorrow.
3. I wish I (was/were/am) your sister.
4. I wish they (won/had won/would win) the match last Sunday.
5. I wish they (played/playing/play) soccer well.
6. She wishes she (will/would/can) come here to visit us.
7. I wish yesterday (were/was/had seen) a better day.
8. I wish I (can speak/could speak/will speak) many languages.
9. I wish tomorrow (were/will be/would be) Sunday.
10. I wish I (am/was/were) a movie star.

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