Ex3: Circle the best answer (A, B, C, or D ) to complete the sentences. 1. Look at the photo! You are ___________ a horse. (driving / flying / riding

By Valerie

Ex3: Circle the best answer (A, B, C, or D ) to complete the sentences.
1. Look at the photo! You are ___________ a horse. (driving / flying / riding / running)
2. It’s really difficult to __________ a bicycle up the hill. (sail / pedal / fly / catch)
3. My father sometimes _________ a taxi to work. (catches / rides / floats / goes)
4. __________ ships use solar as their energy for sailing. (wind-powered / windy-power / solar-powered / wind)
5. There will be a __________ of energy in the future. (short / shortage / shorten / shortening)
6. We will _________ solar panels on the roof of our house next week. (install / placed / clean / buy)
7. We will cut down on the use of natural gas because it is _________ and harmful to the environment. (plenty / limited / available / abundant)
8. Lower energy light bulbs should be used to _________ energy. (spend / convert / buy / save)
9. Solar panels are used to __________ the sun’s energy into electricity. (generate / convert / save / use)
10. He is a careless driver, so I don’t like to travel _________ his car. (by / in / on / with)

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