Ex4: Write sentences using the given word. 1. This vehicle / can travel / 300 kph. 2. At ten o’clock tomorrow / he / work / his office. 3. A lot of mo

By Arianna

Ex4: Write sentences using the given word.
1. This vehicle / can travel / 300 kph.
2. At ten o’clock tomorrow / he / work / his office.
3. A lot of money / spend / heating / next year.
4. Nobody / use / coal / for heating / the future.
5. many people / use / this kind of car / because / it / eco-friendly.
6. Biogas / mainly used / for / cooking / heating.
7. People / not use / flying car / until / the year 2050.
8. you / think / the fuel price / increase / next year?
9. A hydropower station / build / in this village next year.
10. The problem of energy shortage / solved / by using solar energy.

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