* Execise 2: Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous tense. 1. When Jonh(arrive)at home, Anna(talk)to some one on the phone. Jo

By Athena

* Execise 2: Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous tense.
1. When Jonh(arrive)at home, Anna(talk)to some one on the phone. Jonh(start)to get the tea.
2. I (lie) in the bath when the phone (ring). It (stop) after a few rings.
3. It (be) cold when we (leave) the house that day, and a light snow (fall).
4. Your friend who (come) here the other day (seem) very nice. I (enjoy) meeting her.
5. When I (see) the man, he (stand) outside the bank. He (have) a black baseball cap on

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