Exercise 1 1. The car isn’t very nice, but it serves its purpose. Although 2. Betty isn’t very tall, but she can run very fast. Although 3

By Madelyn

Exercise 1
1. The car isn’t very nice, but it serves its purpose.
2. Betty isn’t very tall, but she can run very fast.
3. He doesn’t have much money, but he wants to buy car.
4. There wasn’t much food at the party. However, everybody had a good time.
5. He’s a hard worker. However he van newer save enough to buy a car
Although. .
Exercise 3
1. Although he was brought up in Poland, he has a perfect English accent.
He may
2. Although she’s a girl, she plays football as well as any boy.
She may
3. Although she’s very rich, she never gives a penny to the poor.
She may
4. Although my sister’s very intelligent and pretty, she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
I concede
5. Although he sometimes behaves like a fool, he’s really very intelligent.
I grand
Exercise 4
1. Although I tried hard, I couldn’t find the book you lent me.
2. Although he may have some strong points, intelligence is one of them.
3. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn’t going to marry her.
4. Although she buys a lot of new dresses every month, she always dresses shabbily.
5. Even if our new house is very nice, we’ll still miss our old flat.
Examples: No matter how hard I try, I will never pass the exam
It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I will never pass the exam
Exercise 5
1. Although he makes a lot of money, he can’t save anything.
No matter
2. No matter what she said, no one paid any attention.
3. However hard she tried, she couldn’t lift the suitcase.
4. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn’t going to marry her.
5. It doesn’t matter how much you earn, you shouldn’t waste money.
Exercise 6
1. Although Betty is attractive, she can’t find herself a boyfriend.
2. Although it seems incredible, my grandma is getting married again.
3. Although I love travelling very much, I can’t afford to go to Japan.
4. However rich he may be, I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes.
5. No matter how nice she may be, I don’t like her
Exercise 7
1. He doesn’t have much money, but he wants to buy a car.
He wants to buy a car despite
2. We all enjoyed the walk even though it rained.
3. We managed to talk seriously although there were a lot of people around.
4. The bag was heavy but she managed to carry it herself.
5. His mother refused to let him go to the party but he went anyway.
He went to the party in spite
1. Whatever you may promise, I don’t believe a word.
For all
2. In spite of his hard work, he hasn’t been promoted for five years.
For all
3. Whatever you may say about Mary, I will not change my opinion about her.
For all
4. Say what you will about her husband, I do not like him.
For all
5. For all the help of their friends, they were unable to cope with all the problems.
In spite
Exercise 9
1. I couldn’t love Betty less, even though she may have had another boyfriend.
I couldn’t love Betty less, even
2. It might be cold, but we’ll still go for a walk.
Even if
3. I’m not going to accept their offer, although they might give me a big salary.
Even if
4. She is beautiful and intelligent, but I’m not going to marry her.
Even though
5. She is beautiful and intelligent, but I’m not going to marry her.
I’m not going to marry her
Exercise 10
1. In spite of being tired, we went to the museum.
2. In spite of the rain, the competition took place as planned.
He went bankrupt, even though he’d worked very hard
He went bankrupt, in
4. I hate to have to tell you this, but you are wrong.
I have to …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. In spite of her loving family, she wasn’t happy.
Although …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercise 11
1. They had planned to visit us, but Mary fell ill
2. Mr Smith modernised his factory years ago, and now he’s rich.
3. Open the door, or I won’t be able to come in.
4. I feel terrible because I broke her new mirror last night.
5. He didn’t study for the test so he failed.
6. I must wear glasses because I didn’t take proper care of my eyes when I was young.
I would
7. I was able to find my way only because I asked a passer-by for directions.
I would
8. You have blisters on your feet because you walked too much yesterday.
9. You don’t work here and that is why you can’t enter without a pass.
10. Remind me of her birthday on time, or I will not send her birthday card.
I won’t
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