Exercise 1. Complete Susie’s reply to Rachel’s letter. Use the adjectives from the box. Big difficult exciting fun hap

By Lydia

Exercise 1.
Complete Susie’s reply to Rachel’s letter. Use the adjectives from the box.
Big difficult exciting fun happy healthy tired
Dear Rachel,
Thank you for your letter. I also enjoy sports. I like playing basketball and swimming, but my favourite sport is football. I like football, because it is an __________ game, and it is a good way to stay __________ . I started playing football when I was 9. In the summer, I often go to a football summer camp. The summer camp is in the countryside, about two hours from my city, Los Angeles. It is near a ___________ forest. We do football training in the mornings and play matches in the evenings. In the afternoons, we do other sports like swimming, walking and cycling. We work hard, but we have a lot of __________ too.
I also play for a football team. I joined the school team when I was 12. We do football training twice a week, and we usually play a match on Saturdays with other school teams. I always feel _________ after matches, so I go to bed early! Sometimes we play on the football field at our school, and sometimes we travel to other schools by bus and play there. Every year, our school enters a football competition with schools all over California. Last year, our team won the competition, so we were all really ____________ , and we had a special dinner at a restaurant to celebrate. Next year, I want to join another girl’s football team in Los Angeles. It is a strong team with lots of good players, so it’s _______________ to get onto the team. I need to do a lot of training this summer!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,

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