Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer: 1. Police catch/ catches robbers. 2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat. 3. They never drin

By Audrey

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:
1. Police catch/ catches robbers.
2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.
3. They never drink/ drinks beer.
4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.
5. She have/ has a pen.
6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out every day.
7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.
8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.
Exercise 3: Supply the correct form of the verbs:
1. She (not study) ………………….……. on Saturday.
2. He (have) ………………….…… a new haircut today.
3. I usually (have) ………………….…….breakfast at 6.30.
4. Peter (not/ study) ………………….…….very hard. He never gets high scores.
5. My mother often (teach) ………………….…….me English on Saturday evenings.
6. I like Math and she (like) ………………….…….Literature.
7. My sister (wash) ………………….…….the dishes every day.
8. They (not/ have) ………………….…….breakfast every morning.

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