Exercise 3: Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the words in bracketsSue: (1) …………………………………… when you saw them? (what | Tim and Matt | do)

By Adalynn

Exercise 3: Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the words in bracketsSue: (1) …………………………………… when you saw them? (what | Tim and Matt | do)
Julie: Tim was swimming in the pool, but I didn’t see Matt first.
Sue: (2) …………………………………………… in the pool, too? (you | swim)
Julie: No, I wasn’t. I was just looking. But then I saw Matt, too.
Sue: (3) …………………………………… ? (what | he | do)
Julie: He was diving in the pool.
Sue: Diving, you say. (4) ……………………. to dive? (he | not | just | try) He can’t dive.
Julie: You’re right. He was just trying to do it. And all his friends were watching it.
Sue: (5) …………………………………….. ? (they | laugh)
Julie: Of course, they were. Matt was pretty funny. He splashed the water all over the place.
Sue: (6) …………………… faces when he came up to the surface of the pool? (Matt |
Julie: Yes, he was. He was grinning and making faces at me.
Sue: At you? Vow! And what about Tim? (7) ……………………… Matt, too? (he | watch)
Julie: Not really. He was looking at me instead.
Sue: Oh, no! You’re kidding. (8) ………………………….. your new swimsuit? (you |
Julie: Yes, I was. Why?
Sue: Now I know why Tim and Matt were watching you, Julie.

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