Exercise 8. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse

By Charlie

Exercise 8. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.
       Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse, and recycle!
       When people reduce it means they are using (1)________ of something. This allows us tocreate less waste. Turning off the faucet when we brush our teeth is a simple way to reduce. This is a small action that prevents us from wasting (2)________.
       Another small action people can take is to reuse things we already have. Taking bagsto the store (3)________ we shop for food is one way to reuse them. Using both (4)________ ofpiece of paper before getting a new one is another way to reuse.
       (5)________ is when new materials are created from old ones. Paper, plastic, and metalare all materials that can be recycled. Things like newspapers, soda cans, and plastic bags can all be turned (6)________ new objects if we take the time to recycle them!
1.   a. much       b. more       c. little       d. less
2.   a. energy       b. electricity       c. water       d. time
3.   a. when       b. what       c. how       d. while
4.   a. ways       b. sides       c. parts       d. points
5.   a. Reusing       b. Reducing       c. Recycling       d. Reacting
6.   a. out       b. up       c. down       d. into
Exercise 9. Read the passage then choose the correct answers.
Green Cities
       What makes a city green? It’s a huge challenge for cities to be earth-friendly. Not only do they have lots of people, buildings, traffic, trash, and air pollution, but they also consume more than half of the world’s energy.
       Many cities in the world have taken up the challenge to be earth-friendly. Look at what some of these cities have done:
       Reykjavik, Iceland, is run entirely on green energy. Its transit system uses hydrogen buses and most of its buildings use non-polluting energy sources like geothermal and hydroelectricity.
       Malmo and Stockholm in Sweden are noted for their green spaces and parks and for successfully cleaning up their water and air.
       Portland, Oregon, was one of the first American cities to focus on earth-friendly transit with light-rail and bike paths to encourage people to leave their cars at home.
       Curitiba, Brazil, uses unique green methods for maintenance. Their grass parks are trimmed by sheep!
       Vancouver, British Columbia, uses wind, solar, and water energy to generate power. Nearly all of the city is powered by clean hydroelectricity.
1.   In what country is Malmo?
       a. Brazil       b.Spain       c.Sweden       d.Iceland
2.   How much of the world’s energy is consumed by cities?
       a. one quarter       b. one and a half       c. more than half       d.all
3.   Which city is run entirely on green energy?
       a. Reykjavik       b.Seattle       c.Stockholm       d.       Portland
4.   How are the buses powered in Reykjavik?
       a. diesel fuel       b.hydrogen       c.unleaded gasoline      d.geothermal
5.   How does the grass get cut in the parks of Curitiba?
       a. They use push mowers.       b. Children stomp on it.
       c. People trim it off.       d. Sheep graze on it.
6.   None of Vancouver is powered by hydroelectricity.
       a. True       b.False       c.No information
7.   Portland, Oregon was one of the first US cities to focus on earth-friendly transit.
       a. True       b. False       c. No information

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