Fill in each blank with one word from the box below.Make any changes if necessary.(There are more word than blanks) head stick dessert tin

By Amara

Fill in each blank with one word from the box below.Make any changes if necessary.(There are more word than blanks)
head stick dessert tin stew clove toss
1.The meat needs to….for two hours
2.We had mousse for….
3.Pour the vinaigrette over the salad and….well
4.The savoury dips were served with….of carrot and celery
5.Use one crushed….of garlic for this dish
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  1. Fill in each blank with one word from the box below.Make any changes if necessary.(There are more word than blanks)

    1.  stew

    2. dessert

    3. toss

    4. head

    5. clove

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