hãy viết 1 đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh nói về giải pháp về sự ô nhiễm môi trường từ 10-20 câu trong đoạn văn đó phải có những từ như: RECYCLE, REUSE, RE

By Reese

hãy viết 1 đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh nói về giải pháp về sự ô nhiễm môi trường từ 10-20 câu
trong đoạn văn đó phải có những từ như: RECYCLE, REUSE, REDUCE, TURN OFF, WASTE (waste là hạn chế nha) [ko copy]

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  1. With the pace of population growth and industrial zones, the environment has considerably been damaged. From a little green grass to the large oceans, the environment is everything surrounding us. However, the environment is in danger and polluted because of human activities, which raises a lot of concerns for every country in the world. Poaching wild animals, releasing pollutants before treatment, over abusing fossil fuels, etc. are all damages caused by the human. These actions are threatening the ozone layer and causing a terrible effect named climate change that leads to a lot of disasters every year such as flood, drouth, hurricane, forest fire, etc. Besides, environmental pollution is one of the main reasons bringing about many serious diseases related to the respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, etc. Therefore, protecting the environment is not a mission of a certain country, that is a mission of everyone all around the world instead. Each person can change the world by their responsible actions such as saying “no” with plastic bags, joining campaigns for protecting wildlife, using renewable resources, planting trees, preserving biodiversity, etc. In short, protecting the environment is not only protecting our health or the planet but also saving our next generations.

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