I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. a. l(a)nguage b. p(a)ckage c. b(a)ckground d.

By Samantha

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. a. l(a)nguage b. p(a)ckage c. b(a)ckground d. b(e)nch
2. a. c(a)tch b. m(a)tch c. h(e)nce d. l(a)nd
3. a. m(a)ss b. thr(ea)ten c. s(e)ldom d. m(e)lting
4. a. ch(a)mpion b. (a)mbitious c. c(a)mpus d. t(e)nnis
5. a. h(a)rbour b. scr(a)mble c. h(ea)rt d. c(a)st

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