I. Join the sentences. Use the –ing form or to-infinitive. 1. Several cars collided on the motorway. Poor weather conditions caused this. 2. Motorists

By Lydia

I. Join the sentences. Use the –ing form or to-infinitive.
1. Several cars collided on the motorway. Poor weather conditions caused this.
2. Motorists should avoid that section of the motorway. Police are advising this.
3. Injured people are getting to hospital. Rescue services are helping them.
4. People might panic. Police are anxious to stop this.
5. People can call a special number for more information. Police are encouraging this.
6. Motorists should not approach the scene of the accident. Police are preventing this.
II. Re-write the sentences. Use the to-infinitive.
1. Nobody left the party before him.
He was the first person
2. I received your letter and I was delighted.
I was delighted
3. Heating this house is very expensive.
It’s very expensive
4. Having interests outside work is important.
It’s important
5. That child learns very quickly.
That child is
6. How do you think I should cook this fish?
What’s the best way ?
7. There was nobody who saw him after we did.
We were the last people
III. Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Every ambitious athlete hopes to (1) ………………. their dream of winning a gold medal at the
Olympics. However, not everyone can win, and often talented athletes must accept second place. A
team of psychologists recently (2) ………………. some research on the emotional responses of those
finishing second. For certain individuals, a silver medal may (3) ………………. their expectations and so
naturally they will be delighted. They may also enjoy surprising experts and journalists who believed they
had absolutely no (4) ………………. of achieving anything.
In (5) ………………., the athlete who everyone assumed would win with ease, but then suffers a (6)
………………. defeat, may not celebrate their silver medal. This reaction differs sharply from the athlete
who comes second but finished a long way behind the winner. There is a (7) ………………. in the
research that shows such a person will feel significantly happier.To a certain (8) ………………., these findings are not surprising. Silver medalists who were close to
victory will almost certainly (9) ………………. on what might have happened if they had trained harder,
or done things differently.
1. A. complete B. finish C. fulfil D. succeed
2. A. controlled B. conducted C. directed D. guided
3. A. exceed B. overtake C. pass D. overcome
4. A. outlook B. view C. estimate D. prospect
5. A. opposition B. contrast C. distinction D. contradiction
6. A. thin B. tight C. narrow D. slight
7. A. habit B. trend C. custom D. tendency
8. A. extent B. amount C. range D. level
9. A. review B. wonder C. consider D. reflect……………………….
48. Carlos is not rich, but he always buys us drinks. ……………………….
49. Claudia has never been late for a class – not once in seven months! ……………………….
50. I can’t believe that guy Klaus. One day he just walked out of the class and went to Peru.
51. Jana doesn’t seem to worry about anything. I wish I was more like her! ……………………….
52. Millie tries to dominate the class. She really pushes everyone around. ……………………….
53. Poor Sandra! Recently she left her laptop computer at a bus stop. ……………………….
54. Ruth is very sweet, but she never speaks unless you speak to her first. ……………………….
55. When the teacher asks questions, Naseem always has a funny answer. ……………………….
56. You can always depend on Ashok. ……………………….
II. Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with a single word from the box.
insomnia apologized exhausted nephew shelter
optimistic surgeon regretted biography stamina
57. He was a happy person who was always expecting the best to happen
58. He was very sorry for (………………………..) what had happened. He felt that it was his fault.
59. He had great resistance to tiredness (………………………..) and could run for hours without
60. I sometimes read in the middle of the night, as I suffer from a serious inability to sleep
61. I’ve just read a very good account of the life (………………………..) of Fidel Castro.

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