IX – Read the questions and complete the answers using the reflexive pronouns. 1. “Who helped Jack do his homework?” “Nobody. He did it himself. 2. “W

By Nevaeh

IX – Read the questions and complete the answers using the reflexive pronouns.
1. “Who helped Jack do his homework?” “Nobody. He did it himself.
2. “Who painted the room for you?” “Nobody. I painted______.”
3. “Who taught Vy to cook?” “I think she______. Nobody taught her”.
4. “Can you carry that bag for me?” “Why can’t you______?”
5. “Who gave you the information about Miss Mai’s promotion?” “Miss Mai______ to me.”
6. “Shall I help you clean the room?” “No, thanks. I’ll______.”
7. “Did you have your hair cut at the barber’s?” “No, I______.”
8. “Who told the detective the truth of the theft?” “Nobody. He discovered______.”
X – Complete the questions and the answers using “Why” and “Because”.
1. Why/ you/ be late/ this morning? – Because/ my alarm/ not ring.
2. Why/ you/ feel/ so tired? – Because/ I/ stay up late/ last night.
3. Why/ you/ be/ so unhappy? – Because/ I/ get bad marks/ on the last test.
4. Why/ you/ have a bad headache? – Because/ I/ watch the late movie/ TV last night.
5. Why/ teacher/ get angry/ yesterday? – Because/ many students/ not finish/ their homework.
6. Why/ Mai/ cry/ this morning? – Because/ teacher/ blame her for the mistake.
7. Why/ Tung/ not be/ in class/ yesterday? -Because/ he/ be/ sick at home.
8. Why/ you/ not come/ Susan’s party/ last weekend? – Because/ I/ go/ my hometown with my

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