If clause: 1. you…the train if you leave-earlier last night (catch/leave) 2. I-with Ken if he -to my party next Sunday(dance/come) 3. if V

By Natalia

If clause:
1. you…the train if you leave….earlier last night (catch/leave)
2. I….with Ken if he ….to my party next Sunday(dance/come)
3. if Vicky …older, she…able to drive a car (be/be)
4. if the wind….strong enough, we….sailing, but i’m not sure (be/go)
5. i ….around the world is i….a milion dollars(travel/win)
6…..you(study)….Engineering if you(be)…me?
7. the film was terribble! if i …it was so bad, i….to see it(know/not go)
8. if Greg….up earlier, he….late for school, but he’ll never change!(get/not be)
9. if i…..longer last night i….you(wait/see)
10.i think BMW cars are great. it i…enough money, i…one(have/buy)
11.we…enough food to eat tomorrow unless you…some more now(not have/cook)

12. maybe it will rain tomorrow. if it ….tomorrow we…a picnic(rain/not have)
13. this is the fire bell. if you….that bell, the fire brigade….(ring/come)
14. he skeaks too fast. i….him better if he….more slowly(understand/speak)
15. if i….that the traffic lights were red i ….(reaize/stop)
16. in winter you….cold if the sun….(feel/not shine)
17. it’s a pity john isn’t taller. if he…taller, he….a great basketball player(be/be)
18. if i….busy tonight,i…..you with your homework(not be/help)
19.what…you(do)….if you(win)….. the lottery last week?
20. sue enjoys her work. she….it if she…it(not do/not enjoy)

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