IV. COLLOCATIONS, IDIOMS & PHRASAL VERBS OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIP 1. Match the phrasal verbs with the correct definitions below 1. ____ be named after 2

By Skylar

1. Match the phrasal verbs with the correct definitions below
1. ____ be named after
2. ____ bring sb up
3. ____ fall out with sb
4. ____ get along/on with
5. ____ get together
6. ____ go by
7. ____ grow apart
8. ____ grow up
9. ____ look after
10. ____ look up to
11. ____ make up
12. ____ put down
13. ____ put up with
14. ____ settle down
15. ____ split up
16. ____ take after
17. ____ tell off
a) argue with sb and you are no longer friendly with them
b) be given the name of another person
c) become friendly with someone again after an argument
d) begin to live a quieter life by getting married
e) criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong
f) develop into an adult
g) end a marriage relationship
h) have a good, friendly relationship with sb
i) look after a child until he or she becomes an adult
j) look or behave like an older relative
k) prefer to be called by a particular name
l) respect and admire someone ≠ look down on
m) spend time together
n) stop having a close relationship with somebody over a period of time
o) take care of someone
p) to say bad things about someone; to insult
q) to tolerate; to accept an unpleasant situation, although you do not like it
2. Fill in each blank with a suitable phrasal verb and put them into correct form
1. Albert was _____________ his grandfather.
2. As we got older we just _____________.
3. He’s a role model for other players to _____________.
4. Her parents _____________ a few months ago.
5. I _____________ well with most of my colleagues.
6. I can’t _____________ loud music my brother’s playing any longer. It’s driving me crazy!
7. I’d _____________ with my parents.
8. In looks she _____________ her father.
9. It makes me angry whenever my mother _______ me _______ in front of my friends.
10. It’s hard work _____________ three children all day.
11. Our parents _______ us _______ for making so much noise.
12. She _____________ three sons on her own.
13. The whole family usually _____________ at Christmas.
14. Their children have all _____________ and left home now.
15. When are you going to get married and _____________?
16. When I knew her, she used to _____________ the name of Ricki.
17. Why don’t you two forget your differences and _______?
3. Match the idiomatic expressions on the left with the non-idiomatic equivalents on the right:
1. We got on like a house on fire. a. Sort out your own problems first.
2. She’s nothing to write home about. b. We liked each other a lot.
3. It’s as safe as houses. c. The audience applauded a lot.
4. It really brought it home to me. d. It made me realise.
5. He brought the house down. e. We had no food left.
6. We did it in-house. f. She’s not specially good-looking.
7. They ate us out of house and home. g. It’s very safe.
8. Put your own house in order. h. We did it ourselves.
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