IV. Complete these sentences: 1. I ._ike ele_hants. What ab_ut you? I like m_nkey_. 2. I us_ally have br_ _kfast a_ 7

By Mackenzie

IV. Complete these sentences:
1. I ._ike ele_hants. What ab_ut you? I like m_nkey_.
2. I us_ally have br_ _kfast a_ 7.00 o’clo_k.
3. Let’s g_ to the superm_rket. That is a go_d idea.
4. How much is this blue sh_rt? It is 57,000 d_ngs.
5. She likes that bl_e jeans but I lik_ this re_ one.
6. What c_l _ _r is your pen? – It’s pi_ k.
7. How mu_ _ are the book_? They a_e 100 dongs.
8. Alan likes ti_ _rs.
9. My f_ther like_ watc_ing TV i_ his fre_ time.
10. Where _o you wan_ to g_ now?

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